Lawrence St. may be named for Amos Lawrence, one of the founders of Appleton or for Lawrence University.
Lawrence street once spanned a ravine that was a continuation of Jones Park. In 1922 the ravine between St. Joseph's Catholic church hall and the church's school building on Lawrence St. was filled in using the earth removed for the basements of the Wichmann Furniture building under construction and the new sisters' residence that was planned on High St.
The Lawrence St. bridge spanning the ravine. Postcard, ca. 1911, from Fox Valley Memory, used with the permission of the Appleton Public Library.
From Morrow and Gillett's Appleton city directory, for 1889-90:
LAWRENCE, 559 Drew, west to Mason, first south of College av, numbers from 666 to 1315.
In 1925 a new system of numbering structures in the city of Appleton was adopted. In this directory both the new and old street numbers are given. In addition, College Ave. was designated the dividing line between north and south, and Oneida St. was the east-west divider.
From Wright's Appleton city directory 1925:
LAWRENCE W - From 201 S Oneida w to city limits, 1 s W College av
625 W. Lawrence St. (1027 Lawrence)
621 W. Lawrence St. (1023 Lawrence)
614 W. Lawrence St. (1020 Lawrence)
610 W. Lawrence St. (1016 Lawrence)
510 W. Lawrence St. (966 Lawrence)
Click on the icons or addresses for more information. The pre-1925 addresses are in parentheses.
From S. Memorial Dr. to S. Appleton St.: