Eighth Street acquired its name by being the eighth street from the Fox River.
Before 1925, the continuation of W. Eighth St. east of S. Elm was known as High St. This block had six single and multi-family residences in 1925. Now the only remaining building, not appearing in the 1925 directory, is the "sisters' residence" for St. Joseph Catholic school.
There are still five homes on W. Eighth St. between S. Memorial Dr. and S. Walnut St. The remainder of Eighth St. fronts municipal buildings, church property or Outagamie County parking lots.
From Morrow and Gillett's Appleton city directory, for 1889-90:
EIGHTH, 523 Elm, west to Mason, second south of College av, numbers from 920 to 1315.
In 1925 a new system of numbering structures in the city of Appleton was adopted. In this directory both the new and old street numbers are given. In addition, College Ave. was designated the dividing line between north and south, and Oneida St. was the east-west divider.
From Wright's Appleton city directory 1925:
EIGHTH W - From Jones Park w to city limits, 2 s W College av
523 W. Eighth St.
Click on the icons or addresses for more information. The pre-1925 addresses are in parentheses.
West Eighth St. from S. Memorial Dr. to S. Elm St.:
(981 Eighth)